Instruments—by Builders – L


La Marche (?):  Evanston, Illinois, First Church of Christ, Scientist, possible additions to 1914 Skinner (opus 208), also 1902 Lyon & Healy (opus 105, factory number 1357), later in storage with Organ Clearing House, rebuilt or replaced Peloubet, building sold 2001 to Music Intitute of Chicago—65/15, 22-26, 28SI (Lyon & Healy, Skinner); 67/16 (Skinner); 83/4-7SPI


La Marche:  Oak Park, Illinois, First United Methodist Church, 1937 rebuild of 1925 Skinner (opus 528), which replaced 1911 M. P. Möller (opus 1259), which replaced 1890 Henry Pilcher’s Sons—61/9-11S; 62/30



Lahaise, Henri, & Sons:  Boston, Massachusetts, Holy Cross Catholic Cathedral, some restoration of 1875 E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings (opus 801), electrified c. 1929 William Laws—69/33


Lahaise, Henri, & Sons:  Boston, Massachusetts, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Basilica, 1968 and 1997 alterations to 1897 Geo. S. Hutchings (opus 410)—69/31



Lancashire-Marshall:  Chicago, Illinois, First Saint Paul Lutheran Church—see Saint Paul German Lutheran Church


Lancashire-Marshall:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul German Lutheran Church, replaced unknown (1854), burned 1871, congregation later Saint Paul Lutheran (Missouri Synod), now First Saint Paul Lutheran Church, replaced 1959 Casavant (opus 2539, built for Bay City, Michigan, Madison Avenue Methodist Church, now in Chicago, Illinois, Saint Alphonsus Catholic Church), replaced in new building 1972 Schlicker—15/36-37 (Lancashire-Marshall/Casavant/Schlicker); 35/5 (unknown); 36/8 (unknown); 42/25, 31 (unknown); 63/2 (Casavant)


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 127):  Evanston, Illinois, Hemenway Methodist Episcopal Church (1899), now Hemenway United Methodist Church (merger of Hemenway and Covenant United Methodist Churches—see also Covenant United Methodist Church), replaced 1922 M. P. Möller (opus 3519), burned 1932, replaced 1941 Austin Organs, Inc. (opus 2054), merged with Covenant’s 1969 Schlicker Organ Co. organ by Bradford (2005)—96/7-9SI (Austin/Schlicker)


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 54):  Superior, Wisconsin, Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal), (1891) now in Chicago, Illinois Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, rebuilt Bradford—43/33; 75/11; 76/35-36 (Convention)


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 84):  now in Chehalis, Washington, Church of the Epiphany (or 1891 Moline?), 1895 rebuild of 1979 Randall Jay McCarty—14/14; 57/15


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 100):  Peoria, Illinois, Saint Joseph Catholic Church (now Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church), 1896, rebuilt 1980 Steven Hedstrom—4/6-7S; 48/3; 49/3-4S


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 104):  Peoria, Illinois, Saint Andrew the Apostle Episcopal-Anglican Church (1897)—48/3; 49/4-6S


Lancashire-Marshall:  Delavan, Wisconsin, First Baptist Church (1899)—10/9; 11/1-3, 6SI


Lancashire-Marshall:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Joseph Catholic Church (1900), replaced 1855 Wolfram, burned 1871, rebuilt 1930's Charles Wiener, destroyed 1973, replaced 1998 with 1892 Hutchings (opus 269), built for Cambridgeport (now Cambridge), Massachusetts, Prospect Street Congregational Church (later Prospect Street Church), relocated through Organ Clearing House, moved and restored by Bradford—35/6 (Wolfram); 42/20, 26, 30-32 (Wolfram); 63/16-18SI (Hutchings); 67/20I (Hutchings, Lancashire-Marshall façade); 68/38-39I


Lancashire-Marshall (opus 131):  Frankfort, Indiana, First Presbyterian Church (1901), rebuilt 1959 E. H. Holloway—96/22


Lancashire-Marshall:  De Witt, Iowa, Saint Joseph Catholic Church (c. 1900)—40/22



Lane, E. W.:  Searsport, Maine, First Congregational Church (1905)—8/2; 10/1



Lauck (opus 32):  Valparaiso, Indiana, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (1992)—68/25-26SPI



Laws, William:  Boston, Massachusetts, Holy Cross Catholic Cathedral, 1875 E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings (opus 801), c. 1929 William Laws electrification, some restoration Henri Lahaise & Sons—69/33


Laws, William:  Providence, Rhode Island, First Presbyterian Church, assembly of organ, some pipework now in Wilmette, Illinois, Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1990 Bradford (opus 6), also containing parts of other organs, including 1873 Johnson & Son (opus 389), built for Congregational Church, Chester, Connecticut, later in Lawrence Massachusetts, German Presbyterian Church (later Christ Presbyterian Church), replaced 1925 Wangerin (opus 478), altered 1950’s Joseph Banahan—69/7, 10-13SI (Wangerin/Bradford); 71/22 (Bradford)



Létourneau (opus 38):  Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—48/7


Létourneau (opus 39):  Montréal, Québec, Canada, Église Saint-Gilbert (1993)—67/12


Létourneau:  Indianapolis, Indiana, North United Methodist Church, chapel (1997), church:  1931 W. W. Kimball (opus 7096), altered, rebuilt 2004 Reynolds Associates, Inc.—96/22; 97/18-22SPI



Lima Pipe Organ Company/Earl Breilharz:  Dubuque, Iowa, Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1965 rebuild of Philip Odenbrett rebuild of 1870 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 531)—40/21


Lima Pipe Organ Company:  Findlay, Ohio, 1925 relocation of 1912 Henry Pilcher’s Sons (opus 748), built for Lima, Ohio, Spring Street Lutheran Church, relocated to Iowa City, Iowa, Trinity Episcopal Church, rebuilt 1983 George Bozeman & Company (opus 27)—40/21



Los Angeles Art Organ Company (opus 42):  built (1904) for San Francisco, California:  Holy Cross Catholic Church, now in Portland, Oregon, Saint Mary Catholic Cathedral—57/13


Los Angeles Art Organ Company:  Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, First Methodist Church, now Central Methodist Church, chests for 1900 Lyon & Healy (opus 57, factory number 1306)—31/29



Lye, Edward, & Sons:  Clarenceville, Québec, Canada:  Wesley United Church (1910)—67/13



Lyon & Healy:  Chicago, Illinois, World’s Fair (1893, Columbian Exposition), possibly later in Chicago, Illinois, Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church (?), burned 1953, rebuilt William Delle—13/8-9, 13SI (Delle); 17/11, 14-15, 35; 18/11; 78/3I


Lyon & Healy (opus 29, factory number 1263):  Chicago, Illinois, Lake View Presbyterian Church (1898), electrified 1950’s Nicholas Doerr, restorative repairs 2001 Bradford—75/12; 77/3; 79/12-15SI; 80/8; 85/21; 86/7-8


Lyon & Healy (opus 39, factory number 1274):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Lawrence Catholic Church (1900), 1900 Lyon & Healy (opus 39, factory number 1274), replaced 1928 Austin (opus 1588), console from 1923 Austin (opus 1196), from Chicago, Illinois, Our Lady of Solace Catholic Church (closed 1980’s), closed 2002—50/6, 10S; 75/3SI (Austin)


Lyon & Healy (opus 57, factory number 1306):  Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, First Methodist Church (1900), now Central Methodist Church, chests replaced (?) by Los Angeles Art Organ Company—31/29


Lyon & Healy (opus 66, factory number 1315):  Chicago, Illinois, South Congregational Church (founded as Forty-Seventh Street Congregational Church, merged 1909 with Forrestville Congregational Church—see also Forrestville Congregational Church, merged 1975 with Community Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, to form South Community Church, merged 1980 with University Church, Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ (founded as Hyde Park Church of Christ, later Hyde Park Church of the Disciples, later Hyde Park Church of the Disciples of Christ, later University Church, Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ, (c. 1923 Warren Gratian sold 1928 to Chicago, Illinois, Irving Park Christian Church, replaced 1928 Skinner (opus 685), keyboards replaced 1998)), building later New Testament Missionary Baptist Church (1900), demolished 1998, now in Appleton, Wisconsin (in storage), possibly replaced c. 1895 W. W. Kimball, possibly replaced 1846 Thomas Appleton (built for Brooklyn Heights, New York, Church of the Pilgrims), rebuilt 1869 Johnson & Son (opus 295)—26/19 (Appleton/Johnson); 40/4; 61/4-5SI; 66/11, 15-


Lyon & Healy (opus 73, factory number 1332):  Ionia, Michigan, Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, (1900)—48/5


Lyon & Healy (opus 80, factory number 1330):  Chicago, Illinois:  Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church (1901) burned May 15, 1955, rebuilt 1959 Tellers Organ Company, alterations 1994 Frank J. Sauter & Sons—63/11-15SPI; 64/19


Lyon & Healy (opus 88, factory number 1340):  Ivesdale, Illinois, Saint Joseph Catholic Church (1901), altered Richard Schneider—7/8-9SI


Lyon & Healy (opus 90, factory number 1342):  Chicago, Illinois, 1902 Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows (1920 Austin console, opus 978), ongoing restorative repairs, Berghaus Organ Company—3/1, 4S; 24/11; 28/6, 27; 29/35; 54/12-15S; 56/19; 62/6; 72/5I; 75/10-11; 76/34 (Convention); 77/3; 85/23


Lyon & Healy (opus 93, factory number 1345):  Menominee, Illinois, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church (1901)—38/21; 40/21


Lyon & Healy (opus 97, factory number 1349):  built (1901) for Chicago, Illinois:  First German Baptist Church, later Good Shepherd Bible Church, later Faith Temple-Sister Ann’s Miracle Revival Center, to be installed in Appleton, Wisconsin, Saint Mary Catholic Church—60/4-5S; 61/5


Lyon & Healy (opus 104, factory number 1356):  Chicago, Illinois, Catholic Apostolic Church (1902)—55/11S


Lyon & Healy (opus 105, factory number 1357):  Evanston, Illinois, First Church of Christ, Scientist (1902), rebuilt or replaced Peloubet, later in storage with Organ Clearing House, also 1914 Skinner (opus 208), additions possibly by La Marche, building sold 2001 to Music Institute of Chicago—65/15, 22-26, 28SI (Lyon & Healy, Skinner); 67/16 (Skinner); 83/4-7SPI


Lyon & Healy (opus 117, factory number 1369):  Chicago, Illinois, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (1902), replaced (?) 1868 Pilcher Bros. (opus 95)—35/5; 39/12-13S (Pilcher)


Lyon & Healy (opus 124, factory number 1377):  built for Ackley, Iowa, First Presbyterian Church (1902), later in Grand Detour, Illinois, Vincent Gilbert residence—12/15


Lyon & Healy (opus 125, factory number 1378):  Chicago, Illinois, Forrestville Congregational Church (1902), merged 1909 with South Congregational Church (founded as Forty-Seventh Street Congregational Church, merged 1975 with Community Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, to form South Community Church, merged 1980 with University Church, Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ (founded as Hyde Park Church of Christ, later Hyde Park Church of the Disciples, later Hyde Park Church of the Disciples of Christ, later University Church, Disciples of Christ, merged 1927 with Memorial Church (a merger of First Christian Church and Memorial Baptist Church—see also Memorial Baptist Church, Monumental Baptist Church), c. 1923 Warren Gratian (sold 1928 to Chicago, Illinois, Irving Park Christian Church), replaced 1928 Skinner (opus 685), keyboards replaced 1988), 1900 Lyon & Healy (opus 66, factory number 1315), also c. 1895 W. W. Kimball, 1869 Johnson (opus 295), building demolished 1988, L&H66 in storage in Wisconsin—see also South Congregational Church)—66/16


Lyon & Healy (?):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint George Catholic Church (1903), rebuilt Wiener Bros.—24/20


Lyon & Healy (opus 148, factory number 1401):  Valparaiso, Indiana, Saint Paul Catholic Church (1905), demolished with building 1967, New Main Church:  1978 Casavant (opus 3383); Chapel of Mary, Queen of the Apostles:  1883 Johnson & Son (opus 615, built for Faribault, Minnesota, First Congregational Church, then in Masonic Temple, Faribault, Minnesota, restored 1994 Rutz, Morristown, Minnesota); Choir Room:  1941 Æolian-Skinner (opus 3015), built for Chicago, Illinois, Sherwood School of Music (now Sherwood Conservatory of Music)—46/1 (Johnson & Son); 53/4; 54/5-6S, 10 (Casavant/Johnson & Son); 56/11, 15; 61/4S (Æolian-Skinner); 69/29I (Johnson & Son)


Lyon & Healy (opus 164, factory number 1417):  Chicago, Illinois, Orchestra Hall, now Symphony Center (1904), replaced 1981 M. P. Möller (opus 11427), console rebuilt 1995 Fabry, rebuilt 1997 Casavant—25/11


Lyon & Healy (opus 174, factory number 1428):  built for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Simon (Episcopal) Mission (1905), later in Evanston, Illinois, Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, 2001 restorative repairs Bradford Organ Company and Chicago-Miwest Chapter Organ Historical Society—19/4-5SI; 65/15, 26-28SI; 67/16; 72/4I; 73/10-11I; 75/12; 77/3


Lyon & Healy (opus 175, factory number 1429):  Chicago, Illinois, Endeavor Presbyterian Church (founded as Gross Park Presbyterian Church), building now Cornelia Avenue Baptist Church (1905)—24/11; 28/6, 22; 29/33, 34; 77/4, 8-9SI; 78/28-29; 80/6I; 81/24; 86/4; 87/5


Lyon & Healy (opus 192, factory number 1446):  Merna, Illinois, Saint Patrick Roman Catholic Church (1905), refurbished Jack Becker, destroyed 1982 by tornado—7/2-3S; 31/30


Lyon & Healy (connection?):  Clinton, Iowa, Saint Boniface Catholic Church (1917)—31/29


Lyon & Healy (proposal):  Gary, Indiana, First Congregational Church (1925)—60/6S