Builders – G
Geneva: Des Plaines, Illinois, Oehler Funeral
Home—82/5SI; 83/3
Geneva: Gary, Indiana, First Congregational
Church (1926)—60/6-9SP
Geneva: Gary (Glen Park), Indiana, Saint Mark
Catholic Church—56/15-16S
Gilbert, Vincent
& Cheryl (opus 5):
Rickardsville, Iowa, Saint Joseph Catholic Church, 1983 restoration of
c. 1868 William King—40/22
Gober Organs:
Lagro, Indiana, Saint Patrick Catholic Church, 2004 restoration of c.
1840’s Henry Erben—88/8SI; 96/22
Eben: Dedham, Massachusetts, First
Unitarian Church (c. 1820’s)—44/3
Gottfried: Erie, Pennsylvania, First Methodist
Church, replaced 1913 Felgemaker (opus 115), which replaced 1873 Derrrick &
Felgemaker (opus 116), replaced 1975 Phelps—44/11-12
Goulding &
Wood: Chicago, Illinois, Fourth
Presbyterian Church, 1994 rebuild of 1970 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1516), replaced
1970 Roderer (sold to Palos Park, Illinois, Transfiguration Episcopal Church),
replaced 1913 Skinner (opus 210), which replaced 1874 Johnson & Son (opus
436, moved c. 1912 to Chicago, Illinois, Christ Presbyterian Church, destroyed
1967), which replaced 1865 Pilcher Bros. & Chant (opus 65), built for
Chicago, Illinois, North Presbyterian Church, merged 1871 with Westminster
Presbyterian Church to form Fourth Presbyterian Church, burned 1871—9/5
(Johnson); 25/22 (Johnson); 26/19 (Johnson), 23 (Pilcher); 28/9, 13, 14
(Skinner), 40 (Roderer); 35/5 (Pilcher); 38/7-8S (Pilcher): 42/26-27, 30-31
Goulding & Wood: Franklin, Indiana:
First Presbyterian Church, 1988 rebuild of 1912 J. W. Steere &
Son—96/21, 23I
Goulding & Wood: Indianapolis, Indiana, Saint John Catholic Church, rebuild
of Wicks—94/18I; 96/23
Goulding & Wood (opus 33): Indianapolis, Indiana, Saint Luke
United Methodist Church (1999)—96/22
Grant, Degens &
Bradbeer: Oxford, England, Oxford
University, New College—15/17
Gratian, Warren: Chicago, Illinois, University Church,
Disciples of Christ (c. 1923), founded as the Hyde Park Church of Christ, later
Hyde Park Church of the Disciples, later Hyde Park Church of the Disciples of
Christ, later University Church, Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ,
merged 1927 with Memorial Church (founded as Memorial Baptist Church and merged
with First Christian Church, Memorial building later Monumental Baptist
Church—see also Monumental Baptist Church), merged 1980 with South Community
Church (a 1975 merger of South Congregational Church, founded as Forty-Seventh
Street Congregational Church, and merged 1909 with Forrestville Congregational
Church, and Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)—see also South
Congregational Church, building later New Testament Missionary Baptist Church,
demolished 1998), sold 1928 to Chicago, Illinois, Irving Park Christian Church,
replaced 1928 Skinner (opus 685), 1988 manual keyboards replaced—66/11, 15-20SI
(Skinner); 67/18 (Skinner); 81/17I
Gratian, Warren: Joliet, Illinois, Saint Peter
Evangelical Lutheran Church 1920 Estey (opus 1784), replaced Witzmann, Emil
(1884), rebuilt 1950’s Warren Gratian, replaced 1981 by electronic, oboe now in
Maple Park, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1899 Hook & Hastings
(opus 1861)—24/4, 14-15 (insert) SPI (Hook & Hastings); 33/17
Gruber, James: Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Saint Mary
Catholic Church, 1980 restoration of 1904 Schaefer (opus 34)—18/3 (cover)SI;
24/11; 28/6, 17; 29/33, 35; 57/5, 8S, 11; 58/22; 73/12I; 77/3; 82/6, 25I
Gruber, James: Long Grove, Illinois, Long Grove
Community Church (United Church of Christ), 1979 restoration of 1902
Kilgen—18/8-9SI; 57/5-6, 11; 58/22S
Gruber, James: Schaumburg, Illinois, Saint Peter
Lutheran Church, 1980 rebuild of 1950 Kilgen—8/3
Guilbault-Thérien: Montréal, Québec, Canada, Le Gesù, 1986
rebuild of 1954 Casavant (opus 2232), rebuild of 1901 Casavant (opus 146), rebuild
of 1884 Mitchell, which replaced 1866 Mitchell & Forté—67/13 (Mitchell
& Forté, Guilbault-Thérien)
(opus 17): Montréal, Québec,
Canada, Basilique de Notre-Dame, Sacre-Couer Chapel, replaced 1888 Casavant
(opus 18), moved to Sacre-Couer Chapel, rebuilt 1943 Casavant (opus 1727),
burned 1978, also c. 1701 unknown, replaced 1792 Henry Holland, replaced
unknown, replaced unknown, replaced 1858 S. R. Warren, rebuilt 1890 Casavant
(opus 26), electrified 1924 Casavant (opus 1032), tonal revisions 1991
(opus 35): Montréal, Québec,
Canada, Chapelle du Grand Seminaire (1990), replaced 1964 Odilon Jacques,
rebuild of 1938 Casavant (opus 1596), rebuild of c. 1907 Joseph Émil Pépin,
also c. 1864 unknown, also 1883 Hook & Hastings (opus 1186)—67/12
(opus 40): Westmount, Québec,
Canada, Église Saint-Leon (1995), replaced 1941 Odilon Jacques, which replaced
1909 Casavant (opus 384)—67/12