AGO National
Convention 1980, Minneapolis, Minnesota—4/8
Alexander Mills Organ
in Cheyenne, Wyoming—14/9-11SI
Allen Chapel A. M. E.
Church, Terre Haute, Indiana, Verney, 1905—20/24-29SI
American Organ
Archives and Music Department, Rutgers University announce a Symposium “Images
of the Organ”—85/22
American Organ Archives Announces
Acquisition of Henry Karl Baker Collection—86/23
American Organ
Archives Symposium: Current
Perspectives on Organ Research—78/29-30
American Organ
Archives Symposium: Images of the
Anderson, Nels, part
of A Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15-17I
Around the
Atlantic City, New
Jersey, Convention Hall, Auditorium, Midmer-Losh, CD review--64/20-23
Back Issues For
Barnes Book No Longer
Available (temporarily)—13/17
Barnes Elected
Honorary Member of Chapter—2/2
Barnes Residence
Organ, The—17/38
Barnes, William H.
Barnes, William
Harrison, A Tribute to—9/1-3I
Letters, The—15/33
Basile, Br. Benjamin
S., C.PP.S.—76/3 (farewell)
Bassett, Frederick W.,
part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15, 17-23
Bassett, Ira, part of
A Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—23/4; 25/15-23I; 26/18-20
Beal, Fred,
Beggs, Nathan Jame,
Birth announcement—64/3
Beggs, Zachary
Houston, Birth announcement—48/2
Belfast, Maine,
Stevens Organ, The—17/32, 35
Bells at Churches on
the Chicago Convention—29/35
Bethlehem Center, La
Grange Park, Illinois, The Organs at—29/26-30, 32SI
Berghaus Organ
Company, Inc.—28/34-38
Bradford Organ
Company—see Prairie Organ Company, Inc.
Biggs Fellowship, E.
Biggs Fellowship, E.
Power (Chicago-Midwest Chapter Member Patrick Callahan)—60/2
Biggs Fellowship, E.
Power (Chicago-Midwest Chapter Member Michael Banks)—76/3
Blanchard Named
Honorary Chapter Member, Homer—33/17
Brief History of the
Wiener Organ Company of Chicago, A—24/19-20
Bringing Back the
Bronson, John C.
Buffalo, New York,
2004 National Convention preview—82/2-3I; 83/3
Business Meetings—4/7
Bylaws—2/5; 76/4-7
Bylaws Revision—5/4;
6/11; 7/10; 11/9-10; 12/3; 18/21; 19/21
Calumet College of
Saint Joseph, Hammond, Indiana, W. W. Kimball Organ Relocated to—64/14-15SI
Carlson, Miriam I. (obituary)—98/3
Central Christian
Church, Huntington, Indiana, Fisk, 1976—22/20-21SI
Central Hall Johnson
and the Temple Sinai Casavant; Preludes to Saint Martin Roman Catholic Church,
Chicago, The—16/12-21SI
Chant, William Henry,
part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 26-20-23I
Chapel Organ of First
Baptist Congregational Church, Chicago, The—4/3-5, 12S
Chapel Organ of First
Baptist Congregational Church, Chicago, Revisited, The—5/4-5, 9SI
Chapel Organ of Saint
James Cathedral, Chicago, The—15/15
Chapter Board
Elections: 1983—22/7 (preview),
23/5 (results); 1995—47/1; 1997-1999 (candidate announcements) 54/2-3; (ballot,
insert) 55/2; (results) 56/1; 1999-2001—(candidate announcements) 62/4-5; 64/3
(results); 70/3 (candidate announcements; 72/10 (results); 2003-2005—78/21-22
(preview); 80/4 (results); 2005-2007—86/8 (candidate announcements); 87/3-5
(biographical information); 88/12 (results); (2007): 94/18; 95/6-7; (2008):
98/24; 99/16-17
Chapter Financial
Reports: 1995-1996—53/1;
1996-1997—57/4; 1997-1998—62/2; 1999-2000—69/4; 2000-2001—73/17;
2001-2002—76/13-14; 2002-2003—80/9; 2003-2004; 84/11-12; 2004-2005, 88/5
Chapter Members Participate in Organ
Chapter website—92/7; 99/12
Chapters of the Organ Historical Society and Their
Chicago Civic Opera House, Lyric Opera House,
Chicago Convention Compact Disk
Chicago Lyon & Heal Organ is being Transplanted,
Chicago-Midwest Chapter to celebrate
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Chapter—88/6-7
Chicago Organists/Composers Represented on This Convention
Chicago Organs on 1983 Calendar—18/6
Chicago South Side Catholic Churches (5) and their Organs
Chicago Stadium Organ, The—46/5-10
Chicago-Midwest Chapter issues Compact Disc Recording—75/2;
Chicago-Midwest Chapter Welcomes New Members—90/14
Chronological History
of Organbuilders in Chicago, A—25/14-23 (Part I: 19th Century Firms; Anderson, Nels; Bassett, Ira;
Bassett, Frederick W.); 26/18-23 (Ira Bassett, William Henry Chant); 27/13-23
(Coburn and Taylor); 29/3-18 (Heaton, Helmkamp, Jackson, Davie); 30/3-21
(Kimball); 31/3-29 (Lyon & Healy); 32/10-17 (Pilcher); 33/3-17
(Schlaudecker and Witzmann); 34/15-18 (Wolfram & Haeckhel)
Church of Our Saviour,
Episcopal, Chicago, Illinois, Hook & Hastings, 1884—23/8-9SI
Church Organs: A Book Review—24/4, 20
Clarke, William Horatio, American Organologist and
Indianapolis Organbuilder—44/3-27SP
Clokey, Joseph W.—47/6-10
Coburn and Taylor, part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 27/13-23
Code of Ethics—8/1
Collier, Chester S. (obituary)—19/9
Contemporary Tracker Organ Builders in the Chicago
Convention News, 1984
O. H. S.—15/33; 20/9, 22, 30 (committees); 23/20 (staff); 24/11 (Instruments);
25/29 (Performers' Roster); 26/24 (Commissions)
Convention Assistance
Convention Gimpse,
2002 O. H. S.—70/4I; 71/7I; 72/5; 73/12I; 74/18I
Convention Overview, A (Chicago)—28/5-9
Cornucopia—18 (insert)
Corrections to the OHS Organ Handbook 1984—29/36
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Hammond, Indiana, and the
First Congregational Church, East Chicago, Indiana—65/12
Davie, Charles H., part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 29/3-18
Davis, Dwight—67/17 (obituary)
Davis, Thelma (“Mim”)—83/2-3 (obituary)
Discussion of Tremulants, A—(part 1) 46/4; (part 2)
47/11-12; (part 3) 48/8-10
Do Not Touch the Façade Pipes—11/10
Dues—7/10; 12/1; 65/4; 80/3
Dulciana—72/10 (sabbatical)
Early Days of the Chicago-Midwest
Chapter, OHS—89/23
Early Indianapolis Organbuilders—44/28-29
Early Organs in Chicago History—35/3-16, 18; 36/3-13;
37/3-22; 38/3-20; 39/3-22; 40/3-18; 41;3-23; 42/19-23
Early Pilcher Tracker Discovered—14/3-5, 12SI
Eastman, George, Residence Organ to be Restored by Theatre
Eddy, Clarence (review
of book by William Osborne)—74/22-24
Elections—see Chapter Board Elections
Emergency Organ Rescue Fund—96/2
End of Another Year, The—12/1
Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Chicago, Illinois, Farrand
& Votey, 1892—25/30-31, 33
Exciting Tidbit and Challenge!—97/4
Executive Director of the Organ Historical Society
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois,
1974 Noack, 2-24—12/2-3SI
Farewell, Fred Beal—72/8
Finch, Thomas (obituary)—82/5-6I
First Baptist Congregational Church, Chapel, Chicago, Hook
& Hastings, 1901—23/20-21I, see also 4/3-5, 12S
First Casavant Organ in the State of Illinois—19/6-9SI
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, Illinois, Lyon
& Healy and Skinner—65/15, 22-26, 28SI
First Congregational Church, East Chicago, Indiana, and the
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Hammond, Indiana—65/12
First Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois,
Schlicker, 1972—15/36-37SI
Flentrop In America--A Book Review—16/5, 9
Four Charleston, South Carolina, Organ Cases—17/32
Four Chicago Hook & Hastings Organs—23/8-12
Fox, Virgil (obituary)—6/11
Friesen, Michael
Fundraising—18/9; 22/4, 7
Further Sampler of Hook & Hastings Organs, A—24/3-18
Gary, Indiana, Organ Survey—(part 1) 56/10-18; (part 2)
59/9-19S; (part 3) 60/6-16S
George Eastman’s Residence Organ to be Restored by Theatre
Ghostly Tale, A—26/16
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois,
The Organs of—81/13-16SI
Grace Lutheran Church, Paris, Illinois, Phelps,
Grand Plein What?—15/34
Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and Its Effects on the Organ,
Guidelines for Conservation and Restoration—12/16; 40/30
Hagerstown or the Vale
of Paradise: How “Fair Terms”
might have changed the face of Organ Building in the Midwest—68/35-36
Harrison M. Wild, Chicago Organist—23/13-15
Heard, Arlene (obituary): 95/8
Heard, William J. (obituary)—80/3
Heaton, John W., part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders
in Chicago—25/15; 29/3-18
Hedgeland: An
Introduction, Frederick W.—30/21-23, 25I; see also 17/12-13; 30/9, 13, 17, 19
Helmkamp, Anthony G., part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/14-15; 29/3-18
Hinners Organ in Rogers Park—49/8-9S
History of the Louis Mitchell and Other Great Organs at Holy
Family, The—13/14-16, 18; 14/14; 15/18-25S
History of the Van Dinter Organ at Saint Joseph’s Roman
Catholic Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, The—34/3-11SPI
“Hobo Organ Recitals” on 1886 Hook
& Hastings in Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Britt, Iowa—99/11-12
Holy Family, The History of the Louis Mitchell and Other
Great Organs at—13/14-16, 18; 14/14; 15/18-25S
Holy Family (Chicago) Steinmeyer Organ—49/2-3
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, Van
Dinter, 1909—15/3-5SI
Hook & Hastings Organs, A Further Sampler of—24/3-18
Hope Lutheran Church, Buffalo Grove, Illinois,
Holtkamp/Metzler, 1963—18/4-7SI
Hope-Jones and WurliTzer Church Organs—25/27-29
Hough, Harrison A., Organbuilder in Springfield,
Huntley, Illinois, c. 1860 Pilcher—5/1-3, 6-7SI
Iglesia Evangelica Bautista, Chicago, Illinois, WurliTzer,
I. A. O. Congress, 1982, Oxford, England—16/17
Illinois Pilcher Organ Relocated and Restored—32/6-8I
Immaculate Conception Debacle, The—41/24-25
In Response to “Tracking Down a Rumor”—12/6-10, 13-14
Indiana Pipe Organ Registry, 1983—23/23
Israel, Michael R.—66/4 (obituary)
It Has Come to the
Editors’ Attention That—79/19
Jackson, William and Richard Walter, part of A Chronological
History of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 29/3-18
Jacksons (Related and Unrelated) in American Organbuilding
Johnson Organs, The--A Book Review—17/32; 29/38
Kimball, a part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders
in Chicago—25/15; 30/3-21
Kimball Organ at Valparaiso University, The—68/5-10PI
Kimball, W. W., Organ Relocated to Calumet College of Saint
Joseph, Hammond, Indiana—64/14-15SI
Kinsella, Gerald E.
Koehnken, John—see Schwab, Some Notes and Miscellaneous
Sources concerning—45/2-4
La Porte, Indiana Steere and Turner Organ, The—4/1-2SI
La Salle Street Church, Chicago, Illinois, Unknown,
18??—15/14, 34
Laufman, Alan—70/2-3 (obituary)
Letter from the Editor—15/7; 19/4; 65/4
Letter to the Editor—65/29
Long Grove Community Church, Long Grove, Illinois, Kilgen,
Loretto Convent of Saint Mary’s College, South Bend,
Indiana, Van Dinter—65/5-6, 13SI
Louis Mitchell Organ at Holy Family R. C. Church,
Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Illinois, Flentrop
(kit), 1981—16/20, 25SI
Lyon & Healy, part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 31/3-29
Lyon & Healy Organ Destroyed—31/30
Lyon & Healy Organ
of Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, Evanston: Some additional information from the Archives of the Diocese
of Chicago—73/10-11I
Lyon Roars: Yet is
tames by Mary Gifford—A Compact Disc Review—85/23
Lyric Opera of Chicago (Chicago Civic Opera House),
Magic Organ, The—32/18
Maria Immaculata Convent, Wilmette, Illinois,
Wangerin-Weickhardt, 1920—19/3-4 (cover) SI
Market, The—17/35
Marshall & Odenbrett Brochure Reprint—15/33
Mayfair United Methodist Church, Chicago, Illinois, Johnson,
c. 1872—27/24-29SI; 64/5-6SI, 17-18
McCain Named Honorary Chapter Member, David—23/24; 25/13
Medinah Temple, Chicago, Illinois, Austin, 1915—25/3-12, 33
Membership Roster—1980-1981—5/(insert); 6/1-2; 7/1-2; 10/10
Midwest Organ in
History, The—97/3-4; 98/22; 99/10
Millard Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois, Kimball,
c. 1900—30/25-26
Millard Congregational Church, Chicago, Illinois, J. W.
Steere & Sons, 1893—23/3-6
Mitchell, Louis, Organ at Holy Family R. C. Church,
Möller, M. P., Documents Sought—80/5
Morris, L. D., part of Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church, Terre
Haute, Indiana, Verney, 1905—20/24, 28
Morton, Frank E., with Coburn and Taylor, part of A
Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—27/13-23
National Convention Previews: 2004 (Buffalo, New York)—81/16
National Convention
Reviews: 1980 (Ithaca, New
York)—4/8; 1981 (Maine)—(preview) 8/2-3, (review) 10/1-3; 1982 (Seattle,
Washington)—(preview) 14/10, 14; (review) 16/27-29; 1983 (Worcester,
Massachusetts)—(preview) 20/10; (review) 22/8-11, 21; 1984 (Chicago)—(review)
29/34-36; 1985 (Charleston, South Carolina)—(preview) 32/8-9; (review)
35/17-18; 1986 (Iowa)—(preview) 38/21-22, (review) 40/21-23; 1994
(Connecticut)—45/5-6; 1995 (Michigan)—48/4-8; 1996 (Pennsylvania)—53/13-17;
1997 (Oregon)—57/12-17; 1998 (Colorado)—61/22-26; 1999 (Montréal)—67/12-14;
2000 (Boston)—69/30-35; 2002 (Chicago)—76/15-38 (part 1)
New National Address
and Telephone Number—15/34
Northern Illinois
University--Martin Ott Organ—46/2-3S
Northwest Indiana Organ Archive—58/3
Oak Park, Illinois,
Methodist Church, OHS Citation recital by Michael Shawgo—74/21 (review)
One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Pullman Steere & Turner
Organ, The—17/3-7SI
Organ--A Book Review—41/33
Organ Blowing—A Brief History and Selected
Organ Builder Data from 19th Century Manufactures
Census Schedules—40/24-29
Organ Clearing House—53/4
Organ Clearing House Reorganizes—70/3
Organ Historical
Society launches online Members Only Services—98/3
Organ Historical
Society Organ Atlas 2007:
Central Indiana Region, Some Additional Notes—97/16-22
Organ Historical
Society 2007 National Convention:
Central Indiana—92/7; 93/5; 94/18-19; 95/9; 96/21-25 (review)
Organ Historical
Society 2008 National Convention:
Seattle, Washington—97/23 (preview); 99/15I (preview)
Organ News—61/4-6;
62/6-13; 63/4-8; 64/4-12; 65/5-14; 66/5-9; 67/5-11; 68/3; 69/5-6; 72/4I;
73/13-16SI; 74/16-17SI; 75/3-6SI; 76/4; 79/2-10; 80/4; 81/3-4; 82/3-5; 83/3-4;
86/9-22; 88/8-9; 89/4-6; 92/6; 96/4-6; 97/7-15; 98/11-21; 99/13
Organist/Choir Director Search
(Chicago, Illinois: Lincoln Park
Presbyterian Church)—98/22
Organists and Organ Music at the 1893 Chicago World's
Columbian Exposition—18/10-15; 19/14-21; 20/11-21; 21/8-22
Organists and Organist/Choirmasters of Saint James
Episcopal, Chicago—15/16-17
Organs at Saint James Episcopal, Chicago, Illinois—15/8-13,
Organs at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair Columbian
Exposition—17/10-31, 36-37
Organs at Trinity Lutheran Church, Skokie, Illinois,
Organs in America, A Book Review—Volume 1, 18/20; Volume 2,
Organs, Organists, and Organ Music at the 1933 Chicago
World’s Fair—24/21-37
Oswego, Illinois, Saint Anne Catholic Church, 1986 Martin
Ott organ, burned 2000—67/9-10SI
Owens, Andrew
Bankston—78/3 (obituary)
Peace Christian Reformed Church, South Holland, Illinois,
Becker, 1973—17/8-9SI
Phelps, Lawrence Irving—63/2 (obituary)
Pilcher, part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders in
Chicago—25/15; 32/10-17
Pilcher Bros. & Chant, part of A Chronological History
of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 26/20-23I
Pilcher Organ Discovered and Restored for Illinois Church,
Pipedreams Comes to Chicago Airwaves—80/4
Pomo d'Oro Publications—49/9-10
Prairie Organ Company, Inc.—28/34-35, 38-39
Prepare for a recital in Finland! (Puzzle)—54/11, 21
Presentation of Historic Organ Plaque—12/6
Program Notes for the Downing Commission (1984
Program Notes for the Hovhaness Commission (1984
Pseudo and Phoney—15/37
Public Appearances—10/8
Pullman Promenade (Compact Disc review)—67/21
Rebuilding of the Lancashire-Marshall Organ in Peoria,
Recital In Retrospect, A—23/7, 15
Research Queries—20/29
Residence, David M. McCain, Chicago, Illinois, King,
Residence, Wolfgang Rübsam, Evanston, Illinois, Janke,
Residence, Gerrit Verkade, South Holland, Illinois, Verkade,
Rockefeller Chapel, University of Chicago, Skinner, 1928
(modified)—16/22-24, 29SI
Roderer Organ Company, Inc.—28/34-35, 39-41
Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, Chicago, Illinois,
Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparkling—65/15, 19-22, 28SI
Ryan, Marge (obituary): 87/2
Sacred Heart Catholic
Church of Whiting, Indiana, and the Skinner Organ Company opus 405—59/5-8S
Saint Andrew
Episcopal Church, Evanston, Illinois, Lyon & Healy, 1905—19/4-5SI;
Saint Augustine Roman
Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, 1929 Welte-Tripp—20/3-8 (cover) SI
Saint Boniface Roman
Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, Hann-Wangerin-Weickhardt, 1908—15/4, 6-7SI;
Saint Dominic Roman
Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, Hinners, c. 1912—15/34-35SI
Saint Dominic’s
Hinners is Rededicated—42/18
Saint Giles Episcopal
Church, Northbrook, Illinois, Hinners, 1909—18/16-17SI
Saint Ignatius Roman
Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, Kilgen & Son—65/15-19, 28SI
Saint James
Episcopal, Chicago, Organists and Organist/Choirmasters of—15/16-17
Saint James
Episcopal, Chicago, Illinois, The Organs at—15/8-13, 15SI
Saint James Roman
Catholic Church 1891 Roosevelt—13/3-5SI; 14/8
Saint John Lutheran
Church, Calumet City, Illinois, Kilgen, 1906—17/34-35SI
Saint Joseph Church,
Chicago, A Tranplanted Hutchings Organ for—63/16-18S
Saint Luke Episcopal
Church, Evanston, Illinois--A History of the Organs—15/26-32SI; 65/6-112, 14SPI
Saint Mary College,
South Bend, Indiana, Loretto Convent, Van Dinter—65/5-6, 13SI
Saint Mary Roman
Catholic Church, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Schaefer, 1904—18/3 (cover) SI
Saint Matthew's
Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, Berghaus, 1970, using parts of a c. 1878
Saint Matthew's
Lutheran Church, Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, Hinners & Albertsen (?),
Saint Michael
Episcopal Church, Barrington, Illinois, Bosch, 1970—18/18-19SI
Saint Paul Roman
Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois, Kimball, 1900 (modified by Wiener)—16/6-7SI
Saint Vincent de Paul
Catholic Church, Chicago—63/10-15SI
Samples of Chicago
Music Publication Organ Humor—15/34; 16/10; 18/19; 19/26; 21/26; 22/22; 23/26;
24/12, 14; 29/18; 32/9; 33/18; 40/23; 41/33
Schlaudecker, Chicago
Organbuilder, Matthew—16/3-5 (cover)I
Schlaudecker, part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15, 17; 33/3-13
Schwab, Some Notes and Miscellaneous Sources
concerning—(part 1) 45/2-4; (part 2) 47/2-5
Scottish Rite Cathedral, Chicago, Illinois, E. & G. G.
Hook & Hastings, 1875—23/10-12SI
Skinner, The Life and Work of Ernest M.--A Book Review—40/29
Smorgasbord—17/32, 35
Some Reflections on Things Past—25/13
Sound of Music Fills the Air, The—19/10-13
Steere & Turner Recital Series in Menomonee, Wisconsin,
Stephen Schnurr Plays
in Oak Park—79/19
Stephens, Julie E., awarded OHS Distinguished Service
Taylor, of Coburn and Taylor, part of A Chronological
History of Organbuilders in Chicago—27/13-23
Theatre Organ in
Chapter Member Residence to receive Historic Organ Citation—79/16-17SI
This Issue’s “Featured Find” of
Previously Undocumented Organs—98/21-22; 99/14SI
Three Centuries and Four Generations of
Three Louisville Pilcher Organs—22/3-7
Tischer & Witzmann, part of A Chronological History of
Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 33/13-17
Tracking Down a Rumor—10/4; (response) 12/6-10, 13-14
Transplanted Hutchings Organ for Saint Joseph Catholic
Church, Chicago, A—63/16-18S
Tribute to William Harrison Barnes, A—9/1-3I
Two Indiana Van Dinter Organs—34/11-14SI
Union Avenue United Methodist Church, Chicago, Illinois,
Johnson, 1890—16/10-11SI
Vacancies—66/4; 67/4
Valparaiso, Indiana:
A Survey or a Century of Pipe Organs in the Vale of Paradise—68/11-35
Van Dinter, Louis H., Organbuilder, New Glimpses into the
Life and Work of—42/3-18; see also 21/25; 27/5-11
Van Dinter Organ Odyssey, A—21/3-7, 23-25
Verney Organ Company, part of Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church,
Terre Haute, Indiana, Verney, 1905—20/27-29
Victorian Gems, Recording Review (Chicago, Illinois: Scottish Rite Cathedral)—75/15
We Never Thought They Would Admit It in Print but They Did.
. .—11/12
Welte-Tripp, part of Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church,
Chicago, Illinois, 1929 Welte-Tripp—20/4-5 I
Wolfram & Haeckhel,
part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders in Chicago—25/15; 34/15-18
Wiener Organ Company
of Chicago, A Brief History of the—24/19-20
Wild, Harrison M.,
Chicago Organist—23/13-15
Wirsching Organs in
Witzmann, part of A Chronological History of Organbuilders
in Chicago—25/15; 33/13-17
Woodberry & Harris Organ in Chicago, A—23/16-19
Woodlawn Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois, Hook &
Hastings, 1902—23/22-23SI
WurliTzer Church Organs, Hope-Jones and—25/27-29I
Yankee in Chicagoland, A: Impressions of the 1984 OHS Convention—29/33-34