Chicago-Midwest Chapter

Organ Historical Society

Trinity International University
Arnold T. Olson Chapel
2065 Half Day Road
Deerfield, Illinois

The organ in the Chapel was built by Casavant Frères, Limitée, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, opus 3464, in 1980.  The two-manual, twenty-five rank, instrument has electro-pneumatic action.  Stop and coupler control by rocking tablets above Manual II.  The console is moveable.  Manual compass is the standard 61 notes (C-C); pedal compass (concave, radiating pedalboard) is 32 notes (C-G).  A plaque on side of console reads:  “In loving memory of our dear parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. F. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Richard, of Austin, Texas.  Given by Helen and Carl Richard, October 1980.”

Specification of 1980 Casavant Fréres, Opus 3464:

Grand Orgue (Manual I)

8 Montre (61 pipes)
8 Flûte à Cheminée (61 pipes)
4 Octave (61 pipes)
4 Flûte Conique (61 pipes)
2-2/3 Nasard (61 pipes)
2 Flûte à Beque (61 pipes)
1-3/5 Tierce (61 pipes)
IV Fourniture (244 pipes)
8 Trompette 961 pipes)
Chimes (Deagan, tenor B-flat through soprano E—19 tubes)
Récit au Grand Orgue 16
Récit au Grand Orgue 8

Récit (Manual II—Enclosed)

8 Bourdon (61 pipes)
8 Salicional (61 pipes)
8 Voix Celeste (from tenor C—49 pipes)
4 Flute à Cheminée (61 pipes)
2 Doublette (61 pipes)
1-1/3 Larigot (61 pipes)
III Cymbale (183 pipes)
8 Douçaine (61 pipes)



16 Contrebasse (extension, 8’ Octavebasse, 12 stopped wood basses)
8 Octavebasse (32 pipes)
8 Flûte à Cheminée (from Grand Orgue, 8’ Flûte à Cheminée)
4 Octave (44 pipes)
2 Octave (extension, 4’ Octave)
16 Bombarde (32 pipes)
8 Trompette (from Grand Orgue, 8’ Trompette)
Grand Orgue à la Pédale 8
Récit à la Pédale 8
Récit à la Pédale 4


6 General Pistons (thumb and toe)
4 Grand Orgue Pistons (thumb, under Manual I)
4 Récit Pistons (thumb, under Manual II)
4 Pédale Pistons (toe)
General Cancel (thumb, under Manual I)
Grand Orgue à la Pédale Reversible (thumb and toe)
Swell Expression Shoe
Crescendo Shoe (with indicator light)
Grand Jeu (Sforzando) Reversible (thumb and toe, with indicator light)
Wind indicator light
Chimes volume dial (5 volume settings and off)


9/27/2005 - © Chicago-Midwest Chapter, Organ Historical Society